maandag 11 februari 2008

Revision Visual Communication

In this 21st century, the September 11, 2001 attack in New York- US is the best example of Visual communication. On that day, terrorists -hijackers included a member who had gone under pilot training, intentionally crashed two 4-passengers-commercial airliners into World Trade Centre in New York city. The third airliner crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. The attach killed 2998 victims in total, most of whom where civilians

I choose this attack to be the historical example of communication within a visual (e) culture because it gave everyone in the world an immediate shock feeling. Right after the airplanes had crashed into those buildings, the unbelievable scene has been broadcasted in all the TV stations, radio, press around the world, every minute, every hour. People was looking for information about this by all possibly communication channel, the internet, newspaper, TV, radio, from other name it. Eventually, this affected almost everyone in the world; everyone was following all the latest news about the attack; one worry, mourning atmosphere was raised among other civilians. Unexpectedly, we some how have form negative thought about Muslim culture...apparently, it is still a very sensitive topic for any discussion. In addition, 911 was and is always be referred to the US emergency number, now it also reminds us about that tragedy. As a part of history, this literally has great affect in the visual (e) culture, America and the Muslim worlds are now visualize as non-spoken enemies...and anything related to this religion, culture has been placed under strict concern and policy; from film, cartoon, television program to radio, it's worth to be taken good care of since no one would want to provoke such a culture and no one would want to see once again the same tragedy

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